Restoration glazing for heritage buildings
Gilham & Gilham are traditional putty glazing contractors & have been supplying this service since 1982. We understand the need for this traditional style of glazing on certain types of historical & listed buildings. We supply a range of restoration glass & cover Kent & London. We can supply restoration glass into replacement timber sashes or replace a single pane that has been damaged.
RESTOVER® plus offers a different, more textured glass that closely resembles traditional blown glass originally manufactured at the turn of the 19th Century. Thicker than RESTOVER® and RESTOVER® light, it’s simple to install into historical window frames and fittings.
- More striking, irregular glass style.
- Thicker than RESTOVER® and RESTOVER® light.
- Appearance replicates the traditional blown glass style.

SCHOTT GOETHEGLAS reproduces the irregular surface structure of windows found in buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries. We use the historical Fourcault process to produce colorless, machine-drawn glass that remains faithful to the original esthetics and stunning period characteristics.
- Variety of processing options available to produce laminated glass, tempered glass or insulated glass units.
- Innovative functions suit contemporary needs for thermal, solar, UV and noise control.
Although the irregular surface of RESTOVER® glass is deliberately intended to reproduce the wavy effect of early 19th century glass styles, SCHOTT RESTOVER® light offers the option of a more understated style.
RESTOVER® light is more modern in appearance while still blending in well with early 1900s architecture.
- Less irregular glass.
- Low thickness equal to regular RESTOVER® glass, allowing easy installation in historical frames.
- Appearance more in keeping with modern window styles.